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01-07-23 - July USKA Ninja's Grading Success!

01-07-23 - July USKA Ninja's Grading Success!

It was grading time again today for our USKA Ninjas here at the USKA Fight Factory and one that we were really looking forward to after putting in loads of work in our preparation.
As well as our students putting in the work at the gym on their classes it is evident that our Ninja's are also taking advantage of our Members Only App Instructional video's that we have put together practicing and perfecting their techniques at home and then bringing that confidence and understanding to the mats on their sessions.
If you have not yet tapped into our members App resource we strongly recommend you do as without a shadow of a doubt it is helping to bring our Ninja's to the next level.
Anyway, back to the grading... I have no words to say how proud we are of each and every one of our Ninja's who shone like stars in front of family and friends to successfully pick up their next belts.
The 2 hour Grading consisted of a demanding relay race circuit to build up our Ninja's stamina and endurance, the relevant basic syllabus techniques from their respective grades to develop their punches, kicks, blocks and evasions, their Kickboxing Padwork to take those techniques and put them into application developing accuracy hitting a moving target and finishing off with an exercise circuit to work on their fitness and also their confidence counting aloud the techniques as a team as they perform them.
The Grading was then followed by our Certificate and Belt presentation for our 46 successful Ninja's to the appreciation of everyone in attendance.
A special mention to our Blue Belt Grading Candidate 7 Year Old Yaseen Hussain who completed his Ninja's Syllabus today performing all his techniques and Padwork solo for that extra bit of pressure.
A big thank you to all our USKA Instructors, Coaches and Junior Coaches who not only work week in week out to get our Ninja's ready to grade but who also give up their time on Grading day to assist in making the day run as smooth as it always does. You guys are amazing.
Our next Grading is scheduled for September but we have a busy time in between now and then with a Charity Iron Ninja event on 15th July and a Charity Fight Night which some of our Ninja's will be featuring in on 19th August.
The future is bright... The future is our USKA Ninja's!