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17-09-22 - USKA Ninja's Shine with great performances on their September Grading

17-09-22 - USKA Ninja's Shine with great performances on their September Grading

In a packed USKA Ninjas Grading today at the USKA Fight Factory we saw 45 of our youngest students attempt and pass their next coloured belts moving a step closer to completion of our USKA Ninja's syllabus.
In front of family and friends our Ninjas were put through their paces having to showcase their relay race circuit, their punches, kicks, defences and evasions on their Kickboxing line work, their grade relevant Kickboxing Padwork and finishing off with a demanding exercise circuit.
The grading in its entirety took over 2 hours to complete and each and every one of our Ninja's did them and their parents proud with an excellent effort throughout.
Special mention to our Blue Belt candidates Hudhayfah Mahmood and Ishaaq Lais for completing the USKA Ninja's program that will hopefully put them in good stead to move forward onto out technical classes now to progress even further with their Kickboxing training.
Many thanks to our Ninja's parents for their continued support in bringing the best out of our young warriors, all the helpers and Junior Coaches that assisted the Ninja's throughout the grading which days like this would not be possible without and last but by no means least our USKA Ninja's instructors who are doing a fantastic job working with our kids week in, week out to develop them physically and mentally, improving their confidence and athleticism with the work they do.
A great day had by all... a big well done Ninja's... Osu!