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31-05-24 - USKA Ninja Student of the Month May 2024 - Omari Ellahi

31-05-24 - USKA Ninja Student of the Month May 2024 - Omari Ellahi

We are very pleased to announce that our USKA Student of the month is.... 5 Year Old Omari Ellahi!
Omari is one of if not our most consistent USKA Ninja's that never seems to have an off night at the gym always putting in 100% in everything he does.
At only 5 years old Omari's potential is unreal with him regularly performing way above his age group achieving things that some students twice his age struggle with.
Omari is closing in on his Bronze Dojo certificate which he should if all goes well achieve over the next week.
Another amazing month Omari, keep up the fantastic work!