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14-11-22 - 2023 USKA Squad Training confirmed

14-11-22 - 2023 USKA Squad Training confirmed

With the World Championships being held in England next year we are anticipating the qualification for the event to be tough with everyone wanting a slot on the team.
With this in mind we have decided that we will be running monthly Squad training sessions up to the point that ICO Team England Squad training kicks in to really take our Fight Team to the next level.
These will be open sessions and we are hoping that other clubs will also use them for extra training with everybody in attendance benefiting from the variety in sparring different people.
We will be covering all aspects of fighting and tournament preparation on these sessions with the first Squad training session scheduled for Saturday 7th January and the first Saturday of every month after that from 2-4pm.
Anyone who has their sparring equipment are welcome on these sessions with cost of £10 per attendee.